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Why Choose Us?

  1. We have experienced and highly qualified veterinary staff with many years of experience in the veterinary field in both Hong Kong and overseas. We are committed to keeping up-to-date with advances in the veterinary field by attending many conferences and additional training.

  2. We have invested a lot of money and time to provide a very well equipped hospital and so are more than capable of dealing with even the most challenging cases.

  3. We can guarantee continuity of care so that each time you visit you will see the same members of our staff who are familiar with your pets.

  4. Convenient location – we are easily accessible from all over Hong Kong and have specifically chosen a location with less noise and traffic.

  5. We have carefully designed our hospital layout to maximize comfort and minimize stress for your pet. For example, our cat ward is in the quiet part of the hospital well away from the dog ward.

  6. We are firm believers in offering high quality care at an affordable price. We are guided by strong ethical principles and will only ever offer advice we truly believe is in the interests of your pet.

  7. We can deal with even the most complicated medical and surgical cases. There is comfort in the knowledge that your pet is safe in our caring and capable hands.

  8. We are fully computerized and so your pet’s medical records will always be secure, up-to-date and easily accessible.

  9. We are proud to have worked closely with several animal organizations and charities over the years and are privileged to have earned their trust over the years.

Acorn Veterinary Hospital
Ground Floor 68-80 Second Street,

Sai Ying Pun, 
Hong Kong Island


By Phone: (852) 2540 0228
By Fax: (852) 2540 0768

By WhatsApp: (852) 5374 4244
By E-mail:


Please book appointment by phone only, during normal working hours.

Logo, all text and images © Acorn Vets  | all rights reserved

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